Current services and hours during the Covid-19 crisis

Hi all, wishing you health and calm in this crisis time.

I took some consideration over what TCM services to offer while the number of cases gradually peaks, and flattens, and declines--however long that takes-- and I have decided that if anyone does wish to get acupuncture or (preferred) moxa therapy over the next three or more weeks, I am available. Breath shields (provided to you, nothing fancy, no n95’s!) will be worn by myself and any client at all times, and extra measures will be used by me to prepare for a visit and protect the health of myself and clients. Touch will be minimal and you will be given as much space as I can make happen. There is only so much one can do to keep from spreading the Coronavirus, but some of the most effective measures are the simplest —washing hands and staying at home— and by all means we should practice these whenever possible.

The best place-points for TCM in this crisis are in the realm of preventative, immunity-toning approaches and herbs, and then herbs for help reducing the effects of and clearing the disease.

I hope that everyone is familiar with the overt symptoms of Covid-19, but just in case:

"These symptoms may appear 2-14 days after exposure (based on the incubation period of MERS-CoV viruses).

Shortness of breath

***If you develop emergency warning signs for COVID-19 get medical attention immediately. Emergency warning signs include*:

Trouble breathing
Persistent pain or pressure in the chest
New confusion or inability to arouse
Bluish lips or face
*This list is not all inclusive. Please consult your medical provider for any other symptoms that are severe or concerning. "


If you show symptoms that fit the milder first set of three criteria, your choice should be self-quarantine; , if you meet the second, more severe set of four symptoms, your choice should be a hospital visit. In either case, if you are symptomatic, a visit to my office is not in your immediate future! You are welcome to contact me about herbal formulas for helping recover from illness. To do that would involve a Skype or Facetime appointment and an herbal formula sent directly to the client (we would hope that the supply chain remains robust.)

***Also--if you plan to make an appointment, I will want to know anywhere you may have traveled in the last month, or any close contact you may have had with someone who has been to a country of high-Covid19 incidence, or who has had confirmed infection by the virus.

I wish all good health, to stay calm and eat well!

Thomas McCarty