Services available

Acupuncture Private Session

New Client: ninety minute session

Follow-up: sixty minute session

For service industry workers, musicians, lower income, etc. special rates are available.

Community Acupuncture

Twice weekly: Wednesdays 1-4 pm and Saturdays from 2-5 pm at Movement Collective, 3921 St. Claude. Appointment only. For full info, visit, or see Tree of Life home page.


Tui Na (Chinese medical massage)

Tui Na consists of a vast assortment of techniques, including acupressure, trigger-point stimulation, joint manipulation, percussion, and other approaches. A Tui Na session is based on a full diagnostic intake the same as acupuncture.

Tui Na sessions are done fully clothed, or through a cover sheet. No oils are used.

For service industry workers, musicians, lower income, etc. special rates are available.


Herbal consult/prescription

Initial consult will be in person at the office. Follow-up can be at the office or Tele-health (through video meeting); herbal prescriptions delivered to client’s door through a third-party company, Crane Herbs.


Charge for herbal consult does not include cost of herbal prescription.

Cost of herbal prescription varies.


TCM Consult and Diagnosis

30 minute interview, pulse and tongue diagnosis-Can be office visit or tele-health video meeting

Does not include treatment of any sort. We will discuss treatment plan based on your diagnosis.

This service is available for someone who wants to know what TCM perspective has to offer them, and consider where to go from there.

If, after TCM Consult, you later schedule any service at Tree of Life, the consult will take the place of initial session.


 Qi Gong instruction

Qi Gong is an ancient energetic exercise to cultivate health and wellness, develop strong and harmonious motion in the body, and establish peaceful mind and dominance of the parasympathetic nervous system. It is a meditation without any mantra besides the breath and calm physical awareness, and exercise without exertion.

The routines taught include warm-ups, general guidelines to good practice, and specific sets of movements. All instruction can be tailored to fit the needs and capabilities of an individual. Anyone can learn and benefit from Qi Gong!

Traditional forms taught will include Ba Duan Jin and Yi Yin Jing.

Individual or group classes available. Please contact me through the Appointments button to inquire.

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All visits to Tree of Life Acupuncture are by appointment only. Call 504-223-3507 or click “appointments” in the menu above to get set up with a visit.